Health insurance coverage is a necessity for many to be able to access the health care they need and deserve.
While NUNM does not offer student health insurance, the Oregon Health Plan is available for students with established residency in the state, and who meet the criteria within the Federal Poverty Level assessment. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, colloquially known as food stamps, is also available to individuals who meet similar criteria.
Apply for the Oregon Health Plan (OHP)-Medicaid coverage and/or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits:
Need help with applying? Find a certified OHP Application Assister near you:
For additional information on OHP, visit this helpful site:
Over the income limit for OHP? You may qualify for a special enrollment period through the marketplace:
For additional information about getting insurance coverage in Oregon, feel free to reach out to NUNM’s Community Engagement & Patient Services Manager, Ada Catanzarite (